Saturday, March 20, 2004

Daily Dirt

1. Why do you love the internet? The ease of researching and locating information is instantaneous and convenient. Where would we be without it?

2. Why do you love blogging? It's fun, interesting and you meet a lot of people. I'm from the OLD school of BBSs and UseNet. Back when the Net was smaller and not everyone knew about email. Back then, BBSs were localized and the opportunity to meet the people you were communicating with was greater. We used to have BBQs, etc. It was fun and I miss that aspect. Today, the Net is so vast and global, the opportunity to meet the people I email is non-existent.

3. Why you will love having your own domain? I don't yet. However, I will shortly. My own domain and website is my spouse's anniversary gift to me!

4. What's your favourite site other than yours?

5. Why do you love Daily Dirt? Do I???? LOL

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