Friday, March 19, 2004

Today turned out to be a very nice day work-wise. I listened to a variety of music and was very productive. I chatted with Ceci, my comadre, and as usual, we talked about so many different things and laughed a lot. She keeps me company and I always enjoy my conversations with her. We pretty much have the same sense of humor and hearty laughs. None of the fake, upper throat laugh. Ours comes from deep within our stomachs and we let lose. We're not trying to be cute or dainty. We're having a good laugh and we don't care who knows!

We celebrated three birthdays for the month of February. I know, it is very late, however, the woman in charge of work festivities felt that co-workers birthday celebrations had to be put on hold, because first, we had to celebrate Black History month.

I think the February folks thought they'd been forgotten. One commented, "Wow, I never thought I'd be celebrating my birthday in March!" We sang Happy Birthday, ate chicken and potato salad, and then had cake. One person, who monetarily contributes, still did not join us. He usually scoots off real fast lest, anyone approach him and ask him to join.

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