Sunday, March 21, 2004

Sunday Brunch
What Happens at the Equinox

The calendar says it's officially spring. Where I live there is still about 18" of snow on the ground. BUT ... I'm optimistic that I can get into my spring rituals soon.

1. Do you get a spring break? Officially, no. Unofficially, you bet!

2. Some of us are pretty casual about spring cleaning. Others go to it with a lot of gusto. Which are you? Casual. My gusto's for living and having fun!

3. Is planting flowers or a vegetable garden on the agenda? No. However, my spouse is gardening as I type.

4. Do you suffer from allergies and do they get worse in the spring? I do have allergy concerns, but thankfully, pretty much skate through. My spouse, on the otherhand, suffers a great deal.

5. How will you celebrate Easter this year? Possibly attend church and celebrate with family. I don't know if we'll color eggs, the boys may too grown for that!

Daily Dirt
Last night…

1. Where were you? I was with James, Ceci and family. We were laughing and having a great time.
2. What time did you sleep? Around 11 p.m.
3. What were you thinking about? The long drive today, 1-1/2 hours each way.
4. Did you brush your teeth? Absolutely, if not, it would bug me all night.
5. Did you visit Daily Dirt? Sure, I have the new questions, don't I? LOL

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