Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New Employee

Oh my, where do I start? Things were very quiet when I arrived at work. So quiet, I could hear a pin drop. I was spooked when I turned the corner and found Twi (that's the new gal's nickname) sitting in her cubicle, quietly eating a cookie. I greeted her and inquired how her first day went. Apparently, Twi was left alone all day on Tuesday, which is pretty pitiful and mean on my co-workers part. They could have been considerate and a lot nicer. It's very sad but, it is what it is, right? I can't change these people or their pre-conceived notions.

The day went very smoothly and Twi had already barcoded all the new boxes. It's been months since I've returned to a neat, completely taken care of work area after a mini-vacation. Anytime I've taken time off, I can expect to be greeted by boxes or mounds of paperwork. Twi took care of everything and I was so pleased and relieved. I actually felt like I'd been away and the enjoyment would continue through the first work day.

The one thing we have in common, which is a huge plus, is she likes rock: acid, heavy metal, old school, alternative, etc. We've been rocking out to Led Zep, Nirvana, Van Halen, Steppenwolf, Iron Butterfly, Jefferson Airplane, etc. It's been great musically and I feel energized. Boop likes only soul, Spanish pop and love ballads. Twi likes a large variety, like me, and it's fantastic that we have this in common.

Twi's very meticulous and has a great eye for detail. Her penmanship is flawless and legible, which is another plus. Many people can't write cursive, let alone print legibly. We would receive call backs from our main vendor on orders Boop would process, because they couldn't understand her request. All in all, I had a great day and feel good. I can look my co-workers in the eye with a twinkle and say, "It's working out so far, where's the problem?!" LOL

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