Thursday, March 04, 2004

The Thursday Threesome
Hey, how about a:::Night on the Town!::

Onesome: Night: -- Nights can be difficult if you need something from somewhere: what time do the stores shut down where you are? I mean, if you needed something more than a loaf of bread, is there any hope late at night? LOL My town is definitely Mayberry RFD. Everything closes down around 9:00 p.m. However, if I drive 15 minutes to the next down, I can find a 24 hour SavOn drugstore. I like my little town just the way it is, though.

Twosome: on the-- River? Hey, are there any rivers near you? ...or are you located out in the wilderness somewhere? Rivers....hmmm, well, we have the San Gabriel River which fills to near capacity during heavy rainstorms. It looks more like an acqueduct, though, because it's man made and specifically for water control/run off. There's nothing scenic about it.

Threesome: Town!-- If you could have any "Night on the Town" you wanted, what would you like to do? ...and would you like some company or would you go it alone? I would go to Vegas and San Francisco and take in some performances/shows, gamble or go clubbing, and watch the sunrise! Of course, I would want my spouse to accompany me.

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