Saturday, March 06, 2004

saturday-8 :: birthdays
my friends are coming into town today, and it's one of their birthdays in a few days. so, to honor her, this weeks' sat-8 is all about celebrating.

1. where were you born? I'm a native Californian, quite a rarity!

2. i was born at 4:05am. do you know your exact birth time? Um, no. I don't even know where my birth certificate is, so I can't check!

3. what's your sign, baby? I'm an Aries all the way.

4. what was the most memorable birthday party you've every had ... either as a child, or as an adult? As a child, it was my seventh birthday. I have two aunts - sisters - that have not spoken a word to each other in 37 years, that I know of. Every birthday was an ordeal: do you invite aunt A knowing that aunt B will not attend or vise versa? Do you not invite either of them to make it fair?

One year my mom invited both of them and mentioned to the one that it made me sad that I couldn't see both aunts on my birthday. Aunt A arrived bright and early. She was always on time and expected parties to zippity zip right on shedule. Aunt A left early and about forty five minutes later, Aunt B showed up. I was ecstatic! I got to see both my aunts on my birthday.

5. what was the worst gift you ever received for your birthday? Hmmmm, I can't think of one. Not a one.

6. what was the best gift you ever received for your birthday? Same thing. I can't think of one item that's the best.

7. if you could plan your 'perfect birthday,' what would it include, where would you go, what gifts would you get, and who would be there? I'd like for all my loved ones to join me on a trip to San Francisco. We'd spend a solid four days there sight seeing and dining at some of San Francisco's best restaurants.

Everyone would be healthy and well and able to get around with ease and free of pain. Money for enjoyment would not be an issue and we'd be free of heavy loads or burdens. We'd just truly enjoy ourselves and have a fantastic time. I don't know about gifts - such an occasion would be my gift.

8. are you doing anything interesting this weekend? if so, tell us about it. if not, what would you LIKE to be doing that is exciting? We're celebrating my mom's 78th birthday and I think that's just wonderful. May God grant all my loved ones and me a long, healthy, peaceful and happy life!

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