Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Whisper on a Wednesday
This week I thought I should just go with the first theme that popped into my head and as I stared at my computer monitor, no suprise, the topic I thought of was computers. So here it goes-

1. Is there more than one computer in your household? Oh definitely. We have three of them, though, only two receive a lot of use.

2. What brand of computer is your favorite? Of the ones I own, it would be the new clone. It's blazingly fast and has a lot of RAM and gigs of space!

3. What brand do you currently own? I have HP's and the clone.

4. How many hours weekly do you spend on your computer? At least seven. The blogosphere has me hooked and spending so much darned time!

5. Is your blog site your only website or do you have more? If so, list them. I do have more, but none that I'm willing to discuss.

6. How many people, on average, do you talk online to in one day? Hmmm, two to three and I totally enjoy my exchanges with them.

7. How many songs, if any, have you downloaded in the last week? None.

8. Have you ever lost an entire school paper or essay because your computer froze or didn't save your file? I've lost work projects and felt like screaming at the top of my lungs! LOL

9. If so, how long did it take you to retype it? Oh, it was a good two hours work.

10. What is the longest amount of time that you have spent on the computer? Probably, four hours in one day and stretch. I try to regulate the computer time and get outdoors.

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