Friday, July 08, 2005

Quick Notes to say....

~ Blogger's been acting funky lately. If it's not problems posting photos, it's getting the blank page so I can compose. Publishing is iffy sometimes too. Blogger provides a fantastic service to the blogosphere and I appreciate everything they do. I guess they're experiencing the growing pains of success! I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait it out and work through it.

~ Fry's was a disappointment today. They don't have anything I'm interested in. If you ask Boo, this a very good thing! LOL Of course, it makes me sad and means that I must search that much harder. I guess, I need to visit the store and see for myself!

~ Haloscan has been equally funky since last week. Comments keep disappearing, with some returning and others lost in the bit bucket. Blondie, who's always kind enough to leave comments, observed this. I responded to her observation and now my comment's missing! It's very challenging to build community and friendship if people think I'm not taking the time to read comments and respond. Of course, if I convert to Blogger's comment system, I'll lose all former comments! LOL What to do? Suggestions?

~ We're having cat fights at work. It's the usual situation: everyone wants to be a chief and no one wants to do the work. The 'inciters' are located in a seperate room from Twi and me and the room has a door. Twi, pointing to the door, commented about not wanting to go in there. I laughed so hard, even she found humor in it!

~ Yet another first for me, I may have someone to attend the noon time concerts with. I told Twi about them and she asked if there's a group of us that attend. I told her how no one in the office is interested and she perked up and said she'd love to go. I'll remind her on Tuesday and see if she's still interested. If so, I'd love the company.

~ I'm beat, so off to bed I go. I'll sleep on what to do about the Comment Feature. Before I make any changes, I'll let you know. I sure would hate to lose past comments, though.

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