Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Baker's Dozen

~ A breezy easy going day of sunshine and relaxation.
~ Watching the neighbors make preparartions for the drive to El Paso, TX. I'll miss them but am happy to see and feel their excitement.
~ Things are finally getting back to normal on the PCs. I've reinstalled the important software used and backed up important data. If I can force my self to remember to back up, I'll be in good shape in the future!
~ Doing lunch at Asakuma in West L.A. It's a favorite Sushi haunt and we haven't dined there in a long while.
~ Cruising along Wilshire Blvd. during rush hour on our way to the King Tut exhibit. Some things never change. Lots of traffic. Lots of folks fronting, especially in Beverly Hills!
~ King Tut is a spectacular exhibit. The Egyptians gave exquisite attention to detail that is unbelievable until you actually view it. The most minute finger or toe had a nail. Teeny tiny hieroglyphics are crystal clear and able to be read with the naked eye!
~ "What? I thought the man was kneeling on the ground and talking to his daughter. You mean that's his height?!!"
Observation of a male tree stump.
~ The Pacifier starring Vin Diesel is a cute movie and a better movie than Are We There Yet? Both are rentals or cable viewing. Save your money.
~ Construction and moving is ongoing and we're waiting for the dust to settle.
~ A totally eighties weekend, so pump up the volume! LOL "Hey, there's nothing like having a personal D.J."
Neighbors music was so loud, we didn't need to spin tunes.
~ Lots of BBQ, salad, squash and delicious desert. Believe it or not, I didn't overeat!
~ "Woo, lot of sulphur in the air. It looks like a war zone out here!" :-)
The folks in my mom's hood go crazy on the Fourth on July. Mostly illegal fireworks, too.

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