Friday, May 20, 2005

Fry's Celebrating its 20th Anniversary

The line for $ .25 hot dog and soda is long but moved quickly. Our new purchases!

I love Friday's and I especially love the Friday Fry's ad! They're having a one day sale of extra savings and we had to go. Luckily for me, it was my day off and spouse took the day, as well. Remember the worked weekend? Well, it paid off this weekend!

First stop, spouse wanted a Muvo C100 MP3 player too, after listening to me rave and brag about it. But wait it gets better, after a $20 mail-in rebate, we'll have paid a paltry $39.99 for this awesome player. $39.99 is such a steal and I told the Creative rep this when he spoke to me. I thought I got a great buy when I paid $59.99 for mine!

Next, we also bought a 512 meg Memorex flash drive. Spouse gets to use flash drives at work cuz they have USB. My job's still in the Jurassic phase...we use Windows 98 (not even the SE edition) and our computers do not have USB capability. Yea, we're in 2005 and have no USB, go figure. Oooh, here's the best part, after $20 mail-in rebate, we'll have paid $19.99 for a 512 meg flash drive. The prices on these things have dropped so fast, it's unbelievable.

Next, I've been searching for a powered USB hub. I wanted a D-Link like my seven port hub on the notebook. However, leave it to spouse to eyeball a four port Belkin hub for $19.99! No rebate. No sale. That's the regular price and I was so happy, I scooped that up too! At check out the clerk reminded us to buy a hot dog and soda for $ .25 - yea, you've read right 25 cents. So if you're near a Fry's, it's worth your time to check the ad and see if there's anything of interest to you.

Okay, it's time to rest for awhile and then get ready for a function. It's job related and spouse is speaking, so I'm very excited and looking forward to it. Everyone have a fantastic evening and I hope your days been a good one!

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