Friday, November 19, 2004

Weekly Capsule

- Almost creamed this morning when a driver turned into the lane I was occupying. I blared my horn I entered the lane next to me. The driver seemed oblivious to his action and never slowed! Thank God I had a lane to zip into.

- Feeling extra spicy on a Monday morn and singing a Village People medley: YMCA, San Francisco, Macho Man, In the Navy, Everbody is a Star (Hollywood). Co-worker's concerned about my sanity, as they laughed it up and some sang along with me!

- There's always one person who has to act "cute". B. (who enjoys torturing me with the song Afternoon Delight) said I didn't know the words to In the Navy. Unfortunately for her, I had the Best of the Village People CD in my desk and she was forced to listen to the entire 75 minute CD at 8:00 a.m.

- Wishing my work computer had USB ports (yup, it's that old), so I wouldn't have to save to floppies. Yeah, who knew they still served a purpose! Of course, every other day my data's lost, so I must immediately transfer documents.

- We're in the mid-seventies and loving it. Should be great weather for the upcoming Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena, CA. I'll be attending and snapping photos.

- Went to Wal-Mart after work, a rarity for me (I prefer going directly home), because the "children" ran out of Fancy Feast cat food. While there, I spied a Checkers/Backgammon/Chess game set for $2.97 - what a steal. It's nothing fancy, all cardboard and plastic, but it will definitely suffice for game play at work. LOL

- Wal-Mart also has the most adorable 8 foot inflatable Santa Tigger for $50.00. However, having no yard to properly display it, I abstained and briskly walked away. Temptation can too easily get a grip on me! The crowds weren't as bad as I'd antipated, either.

- Watched The Day After Tomorrow starring Dennis Quaid and for a film I did not desire to see, it was suprisingly engaging. My co-worker loaned me the movie and she's a pretty good judge of what I'll like. The number of hokey premises or lines was low and overall the movie was good. I would not, however, have paid to see it in the theater.

- Went by the 99 Cent Store after work to buy paper plates for a birthday celebration at work. This store was much more crowded than the Wal-Mart I visited yesterday, which surprised me. The majority of shoppers were buying staple items (i.e. canned goods, dairy products, bread, detergent, etc.) and I felt this was a good indicator of how many people really need to make their dollars stretch.

- Woo hoo, B's mom received the 2005 Monthly Bible Calendar (daily you're assigned chapters to read and by year's end, you've read the whole Bible) and I'm excited about reading it again. This year was my first year reading the Bible and there's much that whizzed by me. My hope is that the second time, more will sink in and become understandable!

- Working O.T. today but thankful it's our department's holiday party. The food was delicious and everyone seemed to be having a good time, save for two very unsavory characters who were invited by N.H. They filled their plates to mountainous proportions, ate a few spoonfuls, rose and filled two more plates each. They then ate a little food from plates one and two, then took plates three and four back to their respective departments.

- Greedy humans never cease to amaze me. I was astounded by their behavior.

- Everyone spent the remainder of lunch angrily discussing the actions of the two women and how they'd managed to clean out our table. It seemed the more I tried to convince them to "let it go", the more they carried on.

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