Tuesday, November 16, 2004

TV Tuesday
Holiday Habits

The Holidays are quickly coming upon us, what will be on your TV?

1. Any holiday favorites you can't live without? Oh yea: A Christmas Carol (three versions), A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation and You've Got Mail (I know, but it does take place during the holidays)!

2. Holiday viewing: Parades or Football? Neither, DVDs or listening to music.

3. What's your favorite holiday TV memory? Okay, I know this sounds hokey but...whatever...The Waltons Christmas movie. In my recesses, I must have this desire to go waayy back in time and live in their era! LOL

~Bonus~ Holiday remakes, are you a faithful fan of the old classics or do you prefer the newer versions? I'm an old faithful. Just this weekend I saw an ad for
Christmas Vacation 2 and immediately began wondering if Chevy Chase starred in it. Especially since Randy Quaid is receiving top billing, he played Chevy's cousin in CV.

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