Thursday, November 11, 2004

Today was an excellent day at work; the majority of the building was off for the holiday, while the rest of us had a very relaxed, easy going day. Some played Monopoly, others played the card game Spades, Dominos andmothers simply visited and caught up with each other. It's so hectic, we normally don't have an opportunity to know what's going on in each others lives.

I usually carry Uno, Boggle and Dominos in my car trunk, but wouldn't you know, I didn't have anything. I'd removed them long ago and forgotten to return them. I've been placed on notice by co-worker's to remedy my oversight and correct the situation! LOL

One guy is such a darn good Scrabble player, that everyone fears him. Apparently, he arrived in 1987 from the Phillipines. Unable to find work and believing his English to be in need of improvement, he committed to playing Scrabble daily from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. - playing became his job.

Scrabble consumed his life and after twelve hour days, he would dedicate another two or three hours nightly analyzing and dissecting his every move in a quest to improve and master the game. He even memorized the Scrabble Dictionary, the number of tiles per letter and words ending in Q, I and U.

He became so good, that he outfoxed his family, friends and wanna be opponents. Running out of challengers and feeling unchallenged by those available, he stopped playing. Now he plays very infrequently and cannot approach the game as a fun venture. It always has to be a death match and leaving his playmates feeling in his words "demoralized and defeated!"

J. stopped by to visit and shared her lumpectomy experience. Her cancer's at stage one - which is excellent news - but the doctor wants her to undergo radiation and chemo because of her family history. She's very afraid about hair loss and cried. All did their best to reassure and comfort her and we ended on a high note of laughter and current events.

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