Monday, October 18, 2004

Music Mambo
This week, tell us your "Preferences."

1. Do you prefer just audio or video/audio of your favorite songs I prefer audio because as I listen to the music I often daydream or have memory associations. The video just gets in the way! LOL

2. What do you like to listen to in the car (radio, CD, mp3 playlist...etc)? CDs most definitely and if I tire of my collection, then the radio.

3. Do you lean more towards a LIVE version of songs or the studio release Some Live versions are so much better than the studio release. An excellent example is GNR's Knocking on Heaven's Door, the live version kicks serious ass. Usually though, it's the studio release.

4. What is your ideal concert venue? It's either the Hollywood Bowl or Universal Amphitheater.

5. What's your favorite format (vinyl, cassette, cd, mp3 etc) I so miss the richness and depth of vinyl, but the scratchiness left me with a lot of Grooved albums. I guess, it's CD, only I wish it wasn't so pristine and cold. I want the grittiness when I hear blues, know what I mean?

Bonus:) You can only see one concert this year. Who would it be, and where would the concert be. Yo-Yo Ma at the Hollywood Bowl with fireworks.

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