Tuesday, October 26, 2004


It's always a sad and horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you discover someone you love and trust unconditionally betrays you. It's so unbelievably painful, you're almost winded from the impact. Such was the case this morning for my cubemate B. She's cashed in her vacation time again to help her ex-husband stop a wage garnishment in progress from the feds.

The thing is, her ex is never available to help her when the table's reversed. You know the saying about a woman and her intuition? Well, B. had her doubts about the amount the IRS was garnishing and even if the garnishment had begun. So, after paying a lump sum with her vacation cash out, she inquired through cladestine means of several personnel.

Finally four days later, one employee had mercy on her and answered B's concerns. The result? The ex has not had his wages garnished. The garnishment will commence next pay period and only for the amount of $100 per month, not the $800 he was alleging. To say B. felt betrayed is an understatement, she flat out broke down and cried. So there we sat together in my cubicle as I tried to console her.

I'll never understand how a person can be so selfish and cruel to take advantage of another's love, kindness and concern. Do people like that ever realize what they have/had or do they sail through life untouched and unscathed? How do they do it?

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