Tuesday, March 16, 2004

TV Tuesday
In honor of the TV Land Awards going on Wednesday evening, this week's questions will be about "Classic" TV shows! (Any show counts, as long as they are not still making new episodes.)

1. What is your favorite "Classic" TV show? Ooooh, there are so many, I could break them down by era! I would say The Partridge Family. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. You know you watched and secretly enjoyed it.

2. What character from a "Classic" TV show would you like to be? Marcia Brady from the Brady Bunch.

3. On which "Classic" TV Show would you have loved to have a walk-on role? The Partridge Family. Oh, to have met Keith back in the day!

~Bonus~ Can you remember a line you liked from a "Classic" TV show? "You know, life doesn't always have to be so hard, son. Sometimes, we make it that way." Said to Greg Brady by his dad.

Random Questions; Random Days...

I remember as a child I used to think 30 was old. Well, now that I'm 47, I don't even think 50 is old! How old is old anyway? Funny you should ask, I was just discussing this very thing last week. The consensus among the group I was with is 80 and above is old. We think 70 is still young. You're a senior citizen, sure, but you're not yet old.

Tuesday Iffer
Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong...

If you could perform a duet with any singer you wanted on national TV, whom would you pick and what would you sing? Easy question....Elton John and we'd sing "Saturday Night".

Tuesday Twosome
Spring is finally here!

1. What two things you enjoy about Spring? Flowers blooming and the birds singing.

2. What two things are you going to miss about Winter? My favorite candle fragrance Pomegranate and hot cocoa.

3. Spring Cleaning: "Of course, I get to clean out my house." or "Nope. What's the point? It's going to get dirty again anyway." I vacillate between the two. It's best to clean, though.

4. Spring Flowers: "Tulips and all flowers are blooming. I love this time of the year!" or "Allergy season is kickin' in. Pollen! Enough already." See answer one and you know it's the former. I love spring, most especially summer!

5. Spring weather in your area means: "Outside activities!" or "It is still freakin' cold! I am going to be inside, thank you!" Outside cafes, walking, sleeveless wear and sandals, lovely evenings and fun, fun, FUN!

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