Monday, March 08, 2004

Monday Madness

Think of words beginning with each letter of your name (real or screen name;
you choose) to answer the following question. (It may help to write your
name vertically so you will have a list of words when you are finished;

Ok, using the letters in YOUR name, list words to describe yourself.
*And as a bonus question, using the same letters, make a list of things you
would like to do before this calendar year is over.

E asy going
L aughter
E mpathetic
N ice
A miable


E nter local bike tour rides
L ose weight
E xercise regularly three times per week
N ew blog account with comments
A ccomplish reading one book in its entirety

Daily Dirt
The Voice Within

1. If you could have the voice of any singer, who would it be? Barbara
Striesand or Maria Callas
2. Which singer do you think has the most annoying voice? Rod Stewart
3. Can you sing? No, but I still like to!
4. If you can/could sing, would you want to become a famous singer? Famous,
probably not. I enjoy my freedom too much and fame is not synonymous with
5. What would you do if you woke up one day and your voice was gone? Go to
every specialist I could find in search of a cure.

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